23 November, 2012

This is the story of a 15 year old boy who built all of the electronics necessary to implement and sustain an FM radio station in his region of Sierra Leone (West Africa). His radio station revolutionized the way his community connected with one another. M.I.T. invited Kelvin to visit for a few weeks to work in their labs, with their students. Please watch the video, then ask yourself a few questions.

What if he weren't a prodigy? What if, instead, he were simply a person who cared about his interests because he saw how they could benefit society, and pursued those interests in the face of inevitable, repetitive setbacks and obstacles. What if we were to stop looking for prodigies, and were to instead start looking for ways to support one another in our interests? What if we then shared those interests with the rest of society? Just imagine what sort of lives children raised in that society would live. I can not provide that for everyone in the world, but I can do my small part to provide that for the people in my life. That is the idea behind unschooling, and why I hold it so dear to my heart.

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